

“Tres Dias has deepened my relationship with Jesus and inspired me to do more to serve Him and love others. I have experienced God’s love through people of all different denominations. It has shown me that you don’t have to be perfect to really impact someone for the Kingdom of God. God just wants our willingness!”
~Andrea Duvall, TD 5, Heartland Church

“The first thing my Tres Dias weekend did was bring me closer to God. Next it brought me to a community of like minded people that want and strive to live life more like God.”
~ Jim McLaughlin, TD 32, Mt. Gilead Church

“Tres Dias was a time of renewal and encouragement as well as preparation for struggles and trials ahead of me.”
~Elizabeth Fye, TD 42, Post Road Christian Church

“I was a guy that was raised not going to church. I knew about Jesus and God and the basics , but obviously didn’t know the meaning. I made my weekend in 2005 and it changed me completely. I was baptized just following the weekend and ask God to forgive me for my sinful life and also ask my wife Leslie for her forgiveness. Following Christ is not easy but know I got I have this great community as support and keep my focus upward … I can handle it …..thank you God and Tres Dias”
~Brian Mansky, TD 22, Mt. Gilead Church

“Friendships that never fade…instrumental in teaching and encouraging me in leading…bible studies and retreats. Confidence to speak in public and to love and even act a little silly from time to time.”
~Monica Myers, TD 3, Grey Road Baptist Church

“The men and women I have met through Tres Días has changed my life by showing me examples of Christ love through community and service. Without those people in my life the road would have been a lot harder. I will always pay it forward”
~Jim Bacon, TD 26, The Creek

“Like many, I could write a novel on how Tres Dias has impacted my life. For years, I carried around baggage from things that happened as a child. I held onto the hatred and unforgiveness. I listened to the Devils lies that I am unworthy of anyone’s love, time, friendship, etc. I believed the lies that no one wanted me. But I made lasting friendships through Tres Dias. And through reunion groups, I have been able to let go of that hatred. I was able to forgive and heal emotionally. The Devils lies aren’t so believable anymore!”
~Beth Wright, TD 23, United Family Wesleyan Church

“I was brought up thinking that “religion” was a list of rules. How you followed that list of rules determined how good of a Christian you were. In my mind God had a giant scorecard and was constantly checking to see how many times I would mess it all up. Answer: Plenty. Through the prompting of a good friend I attended Tres Dias with an open mind and heart. I was ready for a change, my way wasn’t working. Once there, I learned through the personal testimonies that EVERYBODY messes up and that there was no scorecard. The willingness of men to open up and share their thoughts and struggles was a real eye opener, and refreshing to me. My experience with Tres Dias was a three day “dumbing down” of Christianity. I needed that. My checklist was just a list of things not to do. Jesus loves me in spite of how big of a knucklehead I can be, and I needed to know that. My walk with Christ has changed because of Tres Dias and I will continue to serve in whatever way I can. If you want to learn how you can be a better Christian and a Christian leader, Tres Dias is the place for you.”
~Tim Stanfield, TD 27, Greenwood Christian Church

“Since I made my weekend, my study life has improved tremendously, and I’ve grown much more intimate with God! Many blessings have come since I moved closer to Him 🙂 I cannot wait to serve others!!”
~Marcy Fouce, TD 40, New Direction Christian Church

“There are too many experiences to list so I will limit myself to a couple. The “older saints” in this ministry have always touched my heart. On my weekend I was still a new believer and it was so exciting seeing older men love on, joke with, cry with, laugh with, and encourage younger men. I personally never saw the kind of multi-generational love that I saw at Tres Dias in the outside world. As I’ve grown in my faith and continued to serve on weekends the older saints have continued to bless me in another way – their steadfastness and perseverance. I learned as I grew that being a Christian is hard at times! It isn’t all peaks and it can be very difficult to keep pushing on. But at Tres Dias I see men who are 30, 40, 50 years in their faith and still loving and serving the Lord. How inspiring! The second thing that has impacted me is seeing just ordinary men being used of God in extraordinary ways. Most of the men in this ministry are laymen – regular old sinners who have been saved by grace. Most have secular jobs, sit in a pew on Sunday, and aren’t up on stage or in the pulpit. Yet I saw these men come together to plan, pray for, and execute this amazing three day weekend. Hearing these ordinary every day men share their joys, sorrows, struggles, and triumphs has blessed me so many times over, has continued to give me hope and motivation to keep going, and most of all has pointed me to Christ. These are just a couple of the many ways that TD (more accurately, the people of TD) has impacted my life.”
~Justin Smith, TD 25, Life Church Noblesville